Read & Explore 9: Wool for Warm Clothes

Read the article and complete the tasks.

Lambs grow up. Then they are sheep. Sheep grow thick coats of wool.

In spring, the wool of sheep is cut off. Sheep shears, not a knife, do the job.

The cut wool is combed. Combing gets rid of knots. Next the wool is spun into yarn. It is dyed. It is knit to make warm hats and sweaters.


1. Describe step by step how to turn wool into warm clothes.

2. Can you draw a sheep that grows thick wool coats? Give it a try.

3. Watch videos to learn more about turning wool into warm clothes.

Read & Explore 8: How to Grow Bean Plants?

Read the article and answer the questions.

This is how boys and girls can grow bean plants at home.

1. Fill a cup part way with dry soil.

2. Put a bean seed on top of the soil.

3. Drop more soil on top.

4. Add water to make the soil moist.

5. Place the cup in a sunny spot.

6. Wait for a week. Keep the soil moist.

7. See the bean sprout shoot up!


1. According to this article, what do you need to grow bean plants at home?

2. Can you draw diagrams to illustrate how a bean plant grows from a seed? Try it.

3. Have you ever grown any plants? Are you curious about how a seed becomes a plant? Watch videos to learn about it. 

Read & Explore 7: Sporks

Read the article and answer the questions.

Do you use a spoon and fork? Then you might like a spork.

A spork is a mix of a spoon and a fork. A spork is round and flat.

A spork scoops up food. You can eat corn or pork. You can eat more with a spork.


1. According to this article, what is a spork? What can it be used for?

2. Do you use a spork? Can you draw a spork? Try it.

3. Watch the video to learn more about spork. Then discuss with your friends.

Read & Explore 6: Moose

Read the article and answer the questions.

Moose live in northern woods. A male moose has huge antlers on his head. The antlers can grow to more than five feet wide! The moose’s antlers fall off in late fall or early winter. The moose grows new antlers when winter is over. 
Moose antlers are cool. What else is cool? A moose has a hoof on each leg. A moose’s hoof is wide. It helps the moose stay on top of snow. A moose’s hoof is sharp. It helps the moose find food. A moose scrapes snow away with a hoof. Then the moose can see its food. Moose only eat plants!


1. What does this article tell you about the moose’s antler and its hoof?
2. Have you ever seen a moose before? Can you draw a moose according to this article? Try it.
3. Are you interested in moose? Watch the videos to learn more about it. Then discuss with your friends.


Read & Explore 5: My First Flight

Read the article and answer the questions.

I went on my first flight. The plane went high in the sky.

At first I did not like to fly. It’s no lie.

Then I gazed at the sights from the plane. The cars seemed like ants! The highways look like crocodiles. The big lakes seem like frog ponds. The mountains look like the tiered pies.

The sights made me feel all right, Now I like to fly in the sky.


1. The narrator didn’t like to fly at first, but enjoy flying now. Why?
2. Can you draw a picture to illustrate the story? Give it a try.
3. Watch the videos and sing the song “My First Flight”. What have you learned from these stories about the first flight? Have your taken any flights? Do you remember your first flight experience? Discuss with your friends.


Read & Explore 4: The Wright Flyer of 1903

Read the story and answer the questions.

In 1903, some people at a beach saw a strange sight. They saw a plane up high, in flight.

At that time, a plane flying in the sky was big news! The Wright brothers built this plane. It had no seats or sides. One brother was the pilot. He had to lie down in flight. He might fly the plane up and down or side to side.

Would you like to ride on a Wright flyer?


1. What does the story tell us? Please retell the story in your own words.
2. Can you draw a picture to illustrate the story? Give it a try.
3. Are you interested in the Wright Brothers story? Are you curious about how airplanes fly? Watch the videos and discuss these questions with your friends.

Read & Explore 3: How to Make Orange Juice

Do you know how to make orange juice by yourself? Read the article and find out.

You can make fruit juice. Try it with oranges!

You need lots of fruit. Have an adult cut each fruit in half. Squeeze the fruit. Make the juice drip into a glass. Add water to thin out the juice.

Drink the freshly squeezed juice. Yum!


1. Have you ever made orange juice by yourself? Try it now.
2. Watch the video to learn how orange juice is made in factories. Then discuss with you friends in simple English.

Read & Explore 2: Baby Paul Bunyun

Read the story and answer the questions. 

Mom and Dad madly loved huge baby Paul.

Paul was so big he slept in a wagon. Horses gently rocked the wagon. Then Paul would sleep sweetly and deeply. The horses did not like the job.

But if Paul did not sleep, he cried loudly. No one got rest. Fish even jumped wildly out of the lake! So those horses soon were mostly glad to rock him!


1. Where did Paul Bunyun sleep?
2. What could happen if Paul did not sleep?
3. What did the horse do in the story?
4. Can you draw pictures to illustrate the story? Give it a try.
5. Watch the video to learn more about baby Paul Bunyun. Then retell the story to your friends.

Read & Explore 1: Amazing Hummingbird

Read the poem and answer the questions. 

This hummingbird is flapping its wings.

Its wings are humming.  

This hummingbird is using its bill.

Its bill is sipping. 

This hummingbird has stopped to rest.

It uses its feet to grab the twig.


1. What does a hummingbird use its bill for?

2. What does a hummingbird use its feet for?

. Watch the videos to learn more about the hummingbirds. Then discuss with your friends.


Phonics Learning 10: Short Vowel Sound “i”

Watch the videos and study the short vowel sound “i”. Read the poem loudly. Identify and mark all of the words with the short vowel sound i. Draw a picture to illustrate the poem.

One Guess

He has dust in his eyes and a fan for a wing.

A leg akimbo with which he can sing

And a mouthful of dye stuff instead of a sting.



Phonics Learning 9: Long Vowel Sound “i”

Watch the videos and study the long vowel sound “i”. Read the rhyme. Identify and mark all of the words with the long vowel sound I. Draw pictures to illustrate the rhyme. 
A Dime

A dime is not big.
A dime is little in size.
Ten pennies make a dime.
Two nickels make a dime.
A dime makes me smile! 

What can you get with a dime?
Not a flight, a bike, a light, a kite, a tie, a pie, or even a lime.
But if you save a dime right at a time,
For a very long time,
You can get all of these things so fine. 


Phonics Learning 8: Long Vowel Sound “e”

Watch the videos and study the long vowel sound “e”. From the videos, you will learn the long vowel sound “e” in the words: eat, east, eagle, easy, pea, tea, team, steam, dream, leaf, seat, eel, bee, jeep, feet, sleep, sheep, athlete, compete, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the long vowel sound “e” and translate them into another language. Have you discovered when the letter “e” has the long vowel sound in general?

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.



Phonics Learning 7: Short Vowel Sound “e”

Watch the videos and study the short vowel sound “e”. From the videos, you will learn the short vowel sound “e” in the words: bed, hen, leg, peg, pen, ten, web, vet, enter, elbow, elephant, elk, elm, everybody, everywhere, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the short vowel sound “e” and translate them into another language. Have you discovered when the letter “e” has the short vowel sound in general?

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.


Phonics Learning 6: Long Vowel Sound “o”

Watch the videos and study the long vowel sound “o”. From the videos, you will learn the long vowel sound “o” in the words: bone, rose, stone, home, doe, toe, oak, boat, road, soap, row, bowl, old, ocean, overcoat, oval, open, go, hello, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the long vowel sound “o” and translate them into another language. Have you discovered when the letter “o” has the long vowel sound in general?

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.



Phonics Learning 5: Short Vowel Sound “o”

Watch the videos and study the short vowel sound “o”. From the videos, you will learn the short vowel sound “o” in the words: box, fox, dog, dot, hot, mop, pop, top, log, job, rock, otter, ostrich, octopus, olive, ox, office, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the short vowel sound “o” and translate them into another language.

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.


Phonics Learning 4: Long Vowel Sound “a”

Watch the videos and study the long vowel sound “a”. From the videos, you will learn the long vowel sound “a” in the words: cake, game, tape, ape, ate, day, hay, say, rain, rail, mail, nail, wait, aim, aid, apron, acorn, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the long vowel sound “a” and translate them into another language.

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.


Phonics Learning 3: Short Vowel Sound “a”

Watch the videos and study the short vowel sound “a”. From the videos, you will learn the short vowel sound “a” in the words: cat, bag, fan, hat, bat, can, jam, van, sat, tap, apple, ant, add, act, alligator, sand, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the short vowel sound “a” and translate them into another language.

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.



Phonics Learning 2: Long Vowel Sound u

Watch the videos and study the long vowel sound “u”. From the videos, you will learn the long vowel sound “u” in the words: cape, cube, huge, mule, prune, tune, blue, glue, clue, cue, rescue, true, music, universe, university, uniform, unicorn, unicycle, etc. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the long vowel sound “u” and translate them into another language.

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.


Phonics Learning 1: Short Vowel Sound u

Watch the videos and study the short vowel sound “u”. From the videos, you will learn the short vowel sound “u” in the words: bug, nut, sun, hut, bus, cup, rug, gum, uncle, umbrella, unlock, under, up, bun, tub, and duck. Did you know any of these words? Improve your learning by trying the questions below:

1. Find 10 more words with the short vowel sound “u” and translate them into another language.

2. From your answer to Question 1, select some words to make sentences or a simple story.

3. Draw a picture to illustrate your story.
