Read and Sing 13: Ten in the bed

Read and sing the poem loudly. Circle the rhyming words. Answer the questions.

There were ten in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were nine in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were eight in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were seven in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were six in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were five in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were four in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were three in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were two in the bed, and the little one said:
"Roll over! Roll over!”
So, they all rolled over and one fell out.

There was one in the bed, and the little one said:

1. At the beginning of the poem, there were 10 in bed. But at the end, there was only one in bed. Why? Use math equations to express the changes.  

2. What do you learn from this poem? On a blank sheet, illustrate a part of the poem and write a caption below it. Explain your illustration to your pals.

3. Watch the video and sing together: