Read & Explore 25: Poisons That Heal

Do you know some poisonous animals that can also be helpful? Read and find out.

Many animals are poisonous. But some poisons are usable. They can be used to help people.

Gila monsters have poisonous spit. That poisonous spit is valuable. It is used in medicine to help sick people.

Cone snails can be poisonous. They use a poison called venom to catch food. Scientists studied that venom. They learned how it worked. That helped them make a medicine. It stops sick people from feeling pain.

Only scientists must make medicines from poisonous animals. Why? Poisons are very, very dangerous. And so are poisonous creatures!


1. Does the text tell us what animals are poisonous but helpful? How do the poisons help people? Discuss with your partners in simple English.

2. Are you interested in the medical benefits of poisonous animals? You might like to watch the following videos: