Read & Explore 52: The Nest of the American Bald Eagle

Some birds build very big nests. The nest of the American Bald Eagle can be ten feet across and twenty feet deep. It can weigh as much as two tons. That’s more than most cars weigh! Eagles build their huge nests way high up at the tops of trees and mountains. That makes sense. Eagles are birds of prey. They are hunters. They spend their time high in the air, looking down for their nest tasty meal.


1. Measure your living room by a metric ruler or an inch ruler. How long is it? How wide is it? How tall is it? If you use a metric ruler, please convert the meters to feet and inches. (One meter is 3.281 feet. One foot equals 12 inches.) 

2. Imagine how large the nest of the American bald eagle is. How long does it take for the American bald eagle to build its nest? What materials can it use to build its nest? Draw a picture of the nest. Then write a paragraph to describe the nest.

3. To learn more about the bald eagle, you might be interested in the following video: