Read & Explore 73: Mantis Shrimp

Have you ever seen the tiny mantis shrimp? The mantis shrimp is only about the length of a dollar bill. but it is a vicious predator with extremely powerful claws. The mantis shrimps belong to two groups. The spearers have sharp, spiny claws for stabbing fish, squid, and worms. The smashers have club-like claws for crushing the hard shells of clams, crabs and snails.

Though it is small, a smasher can punch with surprising speed and force. The speed of its punch is 50 times faster than the blink of an eye. The force of the blow is strong enough to smash through a quarter inch of glass!

Most types of mantis shrimp are colorful. The peacock mantis shrimp, for example, is stunning with bright pops of red, orange, green, and blue.

The mantis shrimp has the most incredible eyes in nature. Its eyes stick out from its head. Each eye can move on its own and see in different directions. A mantis shrimp's eyes can collect more light than any other animal. This gives it the ability to see colors that are impossible for even humans to see.

Mantis shrimp is an amazing sea creature. The next time you visit an aquarium, you might want to take a look at it. But be careful not to lean in too close to the glass!


1. What make the mantis shrimp a vicious predator? What make it an amazing sea creature? Discuss with your learning partners.

2. A dollar bill is about 6 inches long. How long is a mantis shrimp in centimeter? 

3. Have you ever seen a mantis shrimp before? Can you draw a mantis shrimp according to this passage? Then watch the video about the mantis shrimps.