Read & Explore 86: Hidden Symbols in U.S. one-dollar bill

Have you ever examined the U.S. one-dollar bill? Do you discover that it is full of hidden symbols? Many involve the number 13—the number of colonies that formed the original United States of America.

You might see the pyramid and eagle in the bill. There are 13 rows on the unfinished pyramid. The pyramid stands for strength and durability. Above the eagle’s head is a constellation of 13 stars. The constellation symbolizes the formation of a new nation. The eagle’s right leg grips an olive branch bearing 13 olives. The olive branch represents peace. The eagle is facing the right side to emphasize the power of peace over war. Clutched in the talons of the eagle’s left foot are 13 arrows. The arrows signify the country’s readiness to fight. The shield on the eagle’s chest contains two important parts. There is a horizontal bar, representing Congress, the body of government that makes laws for the nation. And there are 13 stripes of alternating green and white supporting the bar that represent the original colonies.


1. Suppose your favorite book is on sale for $1.99. You have one $1.00 bill, ten quarters, 9 dimes, 9 nickels and 9 pennies. How many ways can you pay for your book?

 2.Why do many symbols in one-dollar bill involve the number 13? Look closely at the one-dollar bill again. Do you find other hidden information there? Besides one-dollar bill, are you interested in exploring the secrets in other dollar bills? Have a try. Then watch the video to learn more about the United States dollar bills.