Read & Explore 66: The Chinese New Year

Have you ever been to China? If you plan to visit China one day, you might not want to miss the Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year is one of the biggest celebrations in China. It is called the Spring Festival. It takes place in late January or early February. The Chinese New Year is based on a lunar calendar. It follows the cycles of the Moon. A lunar year is around eleven days shorter than the 365-day solar year, which is based on Earth’s movement around the Sun.

To celebrate the Spring Festival, many cities hold parade. People dress up in colorful costumes. Some people dress up as lions or dragons. Many Chinese people believe lions and dragons bring good luck. People often shoot off fireworks, too. During the Chinese New Year, you might also receive some bright, beautiful red packets. These are filled with money. The red packet is also called “money warding off old age”. It symbolizes good wishes and luck for the new year ahead.


1. Lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year. The Chinese lion dance is normally operated by two dancers. How many lions are there if eighteen people perform the lion dances?

2. When do Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival? Why is it usually not on the same day every year? Discuss with your pals in simple English.

3.  Is there any story behind the Chinese New Year? Watch the video to learn about it.Draw pictures to show how you celebrate the New Year.