Read & Explore 39: The Monkey Cup

Read the story and complete the activities:

Last summer, my grandmother, Lola, took me to explore a mountain trail near her island home. When we stopped for lunch, I saw a strange sight.

“What’s that?” I asked, pointing to a plant.

“That’s a Monkey Cup,” said Lola. “It’s a rare plant that only grows here. Small animals drink from it, but if they fall in, the plant eats them.”

Just then, a mouse climbed up the Monkey Cup.

“Oh, no!” I cried. I reached out to grasp the mouse, and my sandwich fell in. So the Monkey Cup got to finish my lunch, but the mouse escaped!


1. From the above story, can you imagine what the Monkey Cup looks like? Draw a picture about it.

2. Monkey cup is also known as pitcher plant or nepenthes. How does the Monkey Cup protect itself and survive? Discuss with your partners. Watch the videos to learn more about the Monkey Cup plant.