Read & Explore 40: The Facts on Animal Tongues

Do you know these fun facts about animal tongues?

A cat’s tongue is rough. This helps the cat clean its fur. It also helps the cat remove meat from bones.

A giraffe’s tongue is almost as long as your arm! A giraffe uses its long, sturdy tongue to grasp leaves and pull them into its mouth.

Sticking out your tongue isn’t polite. But when lizards do it, they get a reward. They get a reward. They get a bug snack! Some lizards can poke out their tongue in a rapid movement. Their tongue is sticky too, so insects can’t escape it.


1. Imagine you are watching a lizard poking out its tongue to catch an insect. On a separate paper, draw a picture to show what the lizard did. Then describe your drawing to your pals in simple English.

2. Watch the videos on chameleon and frog hunting. See how amazing their tongues are. Do you know any fun facts about other animals’ tongues besides mentioned here? Discuss with your pals.