Read & Explore 41: The Strangest Nest—Swiftlet Nest

What may be the strangest nest? The strangest nest of all may be the white-nest swiftlets. A swiftlet is a small bird that lives in Asian nations such as India and Thailand. What makes this bird’s nest so strange?

A swiftlet nest is made of a goo that comes from the bird’s mouth. That’s right, the swiftlet spits out its nest! The goo comes out looking like long, wet noodles. The bird takes about a month to weave this sticky stuff into a cup-shaped nest. Soon, the goo dries out and becomes strong and sturdy.

Some people make soup from these nests. They really do! Workers use rope ladders to collect nests from cliffs and cave roofs. Then cooks make them into soup and serve it in restaurants.

Why would people eat bird’s-nest soup? They believe that swiftlet goo will make them look and feel healthier and younger.


According to the above passage, what makes the swiftlet nest the strangest? Would you like to taste the swiftlet nest soup if you are offered? Watch the videos to learn more about the swiftlet nest. Have you seen any other strange nests? Discuss the questions with your pals in plain English.