Read & Explore 78: Beautiful Roses

Roses have a long history. The rose is, according to fossil evidence, 35 million years old. In nature, the genus Rosa has some 150 species spread almost all over the world. Roses grow in the form of shrubs or vines. The stems usually have sharp thorns. So be careful when you handle roses.

Roses range in size from tiny miniatures of 8 inches tall to tree climbing giants that will reach 50 feet or more. The flowers vary in color and size. They may be from 0.5 inch to 7 inches across. There are at least twenty-four shades of roses, pink, red, orange, yellow, white, and so on. Wild roses usually have five petals. Roses grown by people often have many sets of petals. The petals grow out from a fleshy and fruitlike structure known as a hip.

Roses are grown for their beautiful bloom, for a source of perfume, or for medicinal purposes. Roses make pretty decorations. People use the fragrant oil from rose blossoms in perfumes. They also use rose hips to make jams and herbal tea. Rose hips are a rich source of vitamin C.

Are you interested in growing roses? Roses prefer a sunny spot that has a very good air circulation. So make sure that your roses can receive at least six to eight hours of direct sun a day. Morning sun is especially important because it dries the leaves, which helps prevent disease.


1. Why are roses grown? Are you interested in growing roses someday? Discuss with your learning partners.

2. Roses are beautiful. Can you make a rose from paper? Have a try.

3. Are you curious about the uses of roses? Watch the video to learn more about how roses are used.