Read & Explore 79: Elf Owl

The elf owl is the world’s smallest owl. Adults grow to a length of just five inches and a total weight of one and a half ounces.

You can find the elf owls in the Sonoran Desert of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Elf owls nest in the in natural tree cavities and abandoned gila woodpecker holes that can be found in giant cacti, oak trees, and sycamores. Their nests are 15 to 35 feet above the ground. Because of the moisture stored in the cactus and the thick lining of the nest, an elf owl stays cool even when the air temperature is over 100 degrees. Elf owls are tiny birds with rounded heads, yellow eyes, a greenish-yellow bill and white eyebrows.

Elf Owls sleep during the day and come out in the cool of night to hunt and feed. They have excellent night vision. They can't see in complete darkness, but they can see quite well in low-light. They also have excellent hearing. They can catch their prey in complete darkness, by pinpointing it using their ears rather than eyes. Elf owls have "silent flight". They don't make any noise as they approach their prey. The sound of their wing beat is muffled by softened feathers on the leading edges of their wings. Elf owls eat insects, spiders, and other small animals such as lizards and centipedes. They can be easily identified by their high-pitched squeaky whistle.


1.  How do the elf owls catch their prey? Discuss with your learning partners. 

2. Compare your thumb with the adult elf owl. Which is longer? Find the difference in centimeter.

3. Watch the video to learn more about the world’s smallest owl.